Tuesday, June 12, 2007

for crying out loud!

I understand that despite being here a year I am still in many respects a newbie however there are things that really irk me.

Firstly, don't finalise a draft to have me prepare the actual documents, only then to make further amendments. It's annoying on a number of different levels. I had initially patted myself on the back for a job well done, learnt from the first set of amendments and finally straightened it out in my head how that document should be done. Only for it all to go into a tailspin again when you re- amend your own amendments. Pfft! Also when the final document has been prepared and needs to be amended it's an annoying process of taking out the pages that have amendements on them and inserting new ones. It takes much longer than just printing new ones, but I feel bad doing that because I've already killed about a gazillion trees. Double pffft!

Secondly, although I am a newbie I am _not_ a secretary! I did _not_ go through years of law school to change "this" to "that" on a document. I know all about starting at the bottom and completely support it, however it is simply _not_ cost effective for me to be doing that because essentially the company would be paying me far too much to staple papers. I know the secretaries are brilliant at what they do and I have the utmost respect for them. I believe that know more about the nitty gritty procedure than most of their bosses. However, don't expect me to make all the stupid little amendments when you can. Should you believe I should know about something, show me what's wrong for me to file away in my little brain, then do it yourself. It works out much faster.

This is going to be a long day *deep breath*.

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