Friday, June 13, 2008

because losers don't necessarily weep


Pronunciation: \ˈlȯst\
Function: adjective
Etymology: past participle of lose
Date: 15th century

1: not made use of, won, or claimed
2 a: no longer possessed b: no longer known
3: ruined or destroyed physically or morally
4: taken away or beyond reach or attainment
5 a: unable to find the way b: no longer visible c: lacking assurance or self-confidence

Perhaps for something to be lost to you, it also denotes a sense of wanting to find it.

It is for this reason that Lost One will no longer be called that in this blog. He will simply be known as Nomad if at all he ever appears here again. For that is no more than merely descriptive of what he is.

In his aftermath, she was angry, lost, hurt.

She very slowly became comfortable with the new circumstances. She still however wondered how he was occasionally and pondered if she would ever have him back in her life. In a different capacity, but back. She wondered how it would happen and how she would react to it if it ever did happen.

And now, with another lifetime looming in her horizon. She's realised that she's stopped looking.

He was lost one to her at some point. Because he was the one she lost. Because he was the one that she, at that point, felt had gotten away. Because she felt that he was lost in life, didn't know what he wanted from it.

But he's not lost to her anymore, because she has lost interest in finding him... *smile*

Image courtesy of jez_zimbo on Flickr.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the ties that bind

I have often wondered what the big deal was with engagement rings. Sure I get that being engaged is a big thing. But is the ring a part of that?

Perhaps now I get it.

It's a tie that binds. It's a solid reminder of the promises that you have made. A physical manifestation of the future that awaits.

It says.. I'm serious about this, I'm serious about wanting you in my life.

It whispers... Grow Old with Me. The Best is Yet to Be...

Image courtesy of MHA Photography/ Michele on Flickr.