Not very much gets me out of bed at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning. Normally dawn for me is something that's seen after a LONG night out. But anyone that knows me knows that I'm big on trying to make a difference. I believe that the fact that the Lib- Dems may not win is NO excuse not to vote for them, because if everyone thought that way then nothing would change. EVER.
Mentor once said to me, "You have what it takes to make THE difference, do not hesitate to shed change in someone else's life" A wonderful wonderful thing to tell a teenage girl.
Apparently 18 people in this titchy country of ours is HIV positive. I can't imagine how hard it must be. I also think that the risk of this disease being spread here is rampant due to sex being such a taboo and sex- ed being non- existent.
Like it or not, I think kids are going to experiment, so you might as well equip them with the common sense to make good decisions. I thought the NHS in England was being a supportive responsible governmental body when deciding that contraception should be free. I know the argument that by giving out free condoms you would be seen as condoning sex before marriage. However to me to give them out is the lesser of two evils. I have a little sister, I know what I was up to at her age, I know she will probably be up to more than me because she is that little bit more devil- may- care. No, I don't think she is ready and i tell her that, but more than anything I want her to be safe. Being nakal is fine, just don't be jahat. Always try to stray on the safe side of wrong.
Come on people, more things like this. Let's stop the apathy and get the good karma rolling!
NB:- For the non- malay speakers out there. Nakal i guess would translate to naughty and jahat would be bad.