Friday, March 07, 2008

to live by

Abandon doubt Be adventurous Call Dance Eat cake Forgive easily Give joy Hope Initiate romance Just say yes Kiss discriminately Love passionately Make out more Not in public Open your heart Play Quench desire Reciprocate Save yourself Touch Upset convention Vary technique Wear very fine lingerie X- rate often Yearn Zip

going going gone

I deserve better.

I'm going.

NOT wasting the pretty


Photo courtesy of anna makaske on Flickr.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

the curves

I'm not stick thin. I was. But I was also 16 then. And no, I don't miss it.

I have curves and a wiggle in my walk. I think it complements the giggle in my talk.

And that's not bad at all *smile*

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


he makes me giggle.
i thought i would pay it forward

on being a good person

At Jie jie's wedding i was reminded of an old Irish Blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

In that moment, in the serenity of the church, I realised that I wished all that for Lost One. I breathed a sigh of relief because it was all finally over.

But a few days ago I learnt that Lost One has had a spot of amazing luck and has been given the opportunity, for a little while, to live the nomadic existence that we both so coveted. And upon hearing this I was engulfed with a myriad of conflicting emotions. It was amazing news but yet I was finding it hard just to be happy for him. And it was an alien thing to me as I have never had that problem before.

Bad things happen to good people. It's horrid but we deal. But conversely good things happen to bad people, and for some reason that smacks harder and stings more than the opposite situation. There's a certain heightened sensation of injustice to it. You can't help but wonder where the Karma is in all that.

He was unrepentant and showed no remorse, perhaps it was an edifying thought that he was not where he wanted to be in life. That some part of him wasn't quite happy, wasn't quite satisfied. Perhaps though I forgave him and I wished him well, I didn't want to wish him too well. I didn't want anything bad to happen to him, I just didn't want anything too good to happen.

I suppose that makes me a bad person in some way.

Maybe I do give a whit.

And maybe that just makes me human.

Monday, March 03, 2008

on the pain of decisions

It is not hard, it is only painful.
You know what to do already.
If you didn't, you wouldn't be in so much pain

Grey's Anatomy, Season 2 Episode 5

Sunday, March 02, 2008

money it's so funny


Where in the world is Robert Kiyosaki?!

by some odd twist of fate

she has realised that most, if not all, the difficult men in her life- past and present- drive VW Golf Gti's


Is that their demographic she wonders?

Image courtesy of Auto Exposure Canada on Flickr!

the meaning of silence

Seller used to say to me that he never wore a watch because it nagged at him and reminded him that he was late. From this he deduced that all watches were female. This, amongst his many other idiosyncrasies, used to make me laugh.

Women nag. Apparently. Thing is we don't see it that way. To us it's discussing a problem. To us it's opening that discussion. Admittedly, not in the most conducive of ways, but really, generally when you've GOT to talk about something, it really bothers you so you're probably not going to be thinking how conducive your opening words are. It's unacceptable to pretend it never happened and hope it goes away. Women by nature are not Ostriches.

And men complain about this. However if we never nagged then nothing would ever get resolved. Men grumble about it like it's the worst thing in the world.
But it's not.

It's when she's silent that there is a problem. Because when a woman is silent it's because she just doesn't care anymore.

Contrary to what we were taught in primary school, the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference.

For as long as it matters to her to talk it out. For as long as she is trying to understand and to make you understand. For as long as she brings the matter up. That is how long YOU matter. For that period of time your thoughts, actions and feelings matter to her. They have a bearing on how she thinks and feels. They count.

But when she is silent, she has given up on you. When she is silent, it just doesn't matter anymore. When she is silent she has no more expectations of you.

When she is silent, YOU do not matter. She is indifferent.

So yes, the opposite of love is indifference.

Image courtesy of Urban2forest on Flickr!