And there it was, this picture. Of him. That face. That beautiful decent face.
And in that instant, I was reminded of the future I lost when I lost him.
Being with him, a Malay Muslim man, the first, the only, changed me in so many ways. With him I saw a path I'd never seen before and I realised how badly I wanted to go down that path holding his hand. How, finally, spiritually I understood how much I longed to have a companion on that road to faith. How, I must confess, that parts of me never really want to go down any other path from this point forth.
He was like slipping on an old pair of trousers that I always knew I had, but had forgotten how comfortable they were. With him I had allowed myself to fully indulge in that dream of the future.
I worry about him, about the fact that the company he keeps now is company he always despised before. I wonder why the sudden about face. I wonder which him was the act. And it hurts to know it's none of my business. Not anymore.
And I know it's not fair to miss him. To want him back. And logically I know it cannot work at this point in time and knowing him and how his psyche works I know it may never work again. Perhaps at the demise of it, it's easier to remember what I loved about us. What I adored about him. And what in many ways I still do. Perhaps at the demise of it all it's easier to see la vie en rose.
Whatever the reason, despite the justifications, I must confess...
i miss you
i miss you
And I wonder how you are and I hate that people know more about you now than I do and I wonder if thoughts of me cross your mind and what those thoughts are.
i miss you
it's that simple. but it's really not. it's that easy but oh so complex
i miss you
i miss you
perhaps if i say it enough and click my heels together...
i miss you
i watch too many fairytales
and i miss you...
i miss you
perhaps if i say it enough and click my heels together...
i miss you
i watch too many fairytales
and i miss you...
Image courtesy of ®°ôn|y Gôd Knôw§°® on Flickr.
1 comment:
I know its never easy, even if we know it to be necessary, deep in our heart of hearts.
Just know that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. And as you put one foot in front of the other, step by step, it'd have made all the difference.
Love ya.
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