Tuesday, October 26, 2010

on the race

apparently the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself

but sometimes you want to know,
in the eyes of everyone else,
if in this race called life you've bested the person who tripped you up

and when you think about it,
you know
that in your heart and in your eyes you have

and in that realisation realise that you truly have won

Image courtesy of marco_welt on Flickr!

Friday, April 09, 2010

on who I am

"Life is a series of choices. A big combination of moments. Little ones that add up to big ones that create who you are"
Will Schuster

and I need for this next phase of my life to happen.
because I need a life that is...
more than this
more than me.

Picture courtesy of angus clyne on Flickr!

on perspective

timetabling mishaps led to me being at a session a whole hour before i should have been.

I had a choice.

I could rant and rave and be upset about the mistake.


I could give thanks for an unexpected hour without my laptop, to make the millions of calls and send the many texts I was owing people.

I chose the latter.

It's all about perspective

Monday, March 08, 2010

a return to tea without milk

this post has been a long time coming. 3 years to be exact.

I drank tea without milk. Except as a child. When I would only drink tea and no milk. So they had to give me milk tea.

But then I drank tea without milk. Because it was what was normal.

Then I moved. Houses and countries and continents.

So fast it made my head spin.
So quickly it made me giddy.
So many sights to smell and scents to touch.

And along the way, I met people. Some drank tea with milk. Some without. Some with lemon slices. Some with condensed milk. I tried it all. And for the longest time I was content, to just drink my tea without milk.

But then you stay away for too long. And you meet people who are too strong. And so I started drinking my tea only with milk. Forgetting, or perhaps not remembering, that I liked it without.

A heartbreak and a homecoming later. I drank it exclusively with for a while. To keep that last tenuous thread intact. Then exclusively without for a while. To ensure the thread was severed.

And now, I drink it with and without. Depending on the wind and my fancies on the day.

Because you learn that real friends are like slipping on an old comfortable pair of jeans you always loved but forgot you had. that home will heal your soul and take you back, when you're grown up and ready to be taken back.

that the people and moments that matter will stick with you, no matter how you take your tea.

Tea-mages from lorises on Flickr

all bottled up

She feels all bottled up of late.

And so thinks she should write again.

Photo by the artistry of Georgia Wiggs on Flickr!